Maximizing Conversion on Mobile Shopping
More and more consumers use mobile devices for shopping. This rise in online transactions being processed via smartphones and tablets means that both store owners and consumers are finding mobile devices to be more convenient and trustworthy. While this shopping change opens wider opportunities and advantages for business owners wanting to improve their presence on […]

Using Subscriptions with WooCommerce
There are certain niches in the eCommerce community that sell products or services released regularly on a periodic basis. These could be prints such as magazines, digital or virtual products like eBooks, audios, videos, podcasts, or online memberships offering exclusive access to digital products. Anybody who’s into these similar lines of businesses would know the […]

Setup a WooCommerce Store to Outpace Your Competition
The Golden Cabinet is an integrative medical center in Santa Monica, California that brings together eastern and western medical systems to provide patients with the best of both worlds. They offer onsite health evaluations and consultations as well as services such as acupuncture and wellness protocols. They also sell a variety of proprietary dietary supplements. […]

What the Hell is SSL?
Does your website have SSL? Do you know where to look to see if you have, or don’t have, SSL? Do you even know what SSL is? Likely as not if you answered no to any one of the questions listed above your site probably does not have SSL. But why does SSL matter anyway […]

Is Shopify Better than WooCommerce for eCommerce?
Recently, a website platform seemed to claim responsibility for a celebrity’s online success (web traffic, voluminous sales and market domination). But what made that celebrity’s site successful? Was it the platform they chose? Or was the site’s success being driven by the celebrity themselves and the brand they represent? In all likelihood that celebrity could […]

Your PHP 7.2 Upgrade – Full Steam Ahead!
PHP is the software backbone that runs on the hosting server and allows for the execution of code, like a steam locomotive rolling down the tracks. We want to make sure your site continues to run smoothly and efficiently. What is this update and why should you care? The official security support for PHP 5.6 […]

Behla Design Hosts Two Upcoming Meetups
Join us for two exciting and important Meetups for WordPress and WooCommerce in January and February. West Valley WordPress Meetup Group Compliance Traps & Trolls We’ll be focusing on multiple topics of compliance, including: PCI, GDPR, Accessibility and what it could cost you to ignore these. Our speaker, Sumner Davenport of Sumner Davenport & Associates, […]

CBD Online Stores: Shopify Out and WooCommerce In!
Shopify has notified CBD related store owners who use their service that if their stores are found to be selling items that are high-risk, Shopify will close them. Due to the complicated legalities and disparate state and county regulations inherent with CBD related products, all CBD related products sold online are considered high-risk. So, what […]

Turbo Charge WooCommerce WordCamp Presentation
Thank you to the organizers, volunteers and sponsors of WordCamp LA. Andrew presented on how to Turbo Charge WooCommerce Sales. Please download the PDF presentation here.

What is Malware and How to Prevent It
If you’ve been a victim of malware, you know how frustrating it is to remove. Unless you’re an expert, you may lose valuable time and money trying to figure out how to fix the damage done. This blog will explain what malware is, and how to prevent it from happening. What is Malware? Malware stands […]

Why Creating a WordPress Child Theme is Important For Your Site
A developer recently asked us about the benefits of creating a WordPress child theme for websites. This was such a great question, after all, many people do not know or would not think of how to create two different versions of their site. However, creating a parent and a child theme is actually very important for a particular […]

Why WordPress is the Best Solution for Your E-commerce Store
More and more people and companies are turning to the Internet to sell merchandise or services. E-commerce stores have become so popular that in just three months in 2005, sales from e-commerce stores totaled $22.3 billion, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. With an e-commerce site, you can sell practically anything from clothes to food, vitamins to art, […]

Three Best WordPress Affiliate Plugins
We are always on the hunt for great plugins, and we love to share our findings in order to save others time with research. Last month, we needed to find affiliate plugins for a client we were working with, and after a lengthy search of reading reviews, and trying the plugins out, here are our top three choices. But […]

Fixing WordPress Image Issues and Blurry Photos
Do you know the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words?” A good image is the number one reason your product will sell online, or the best way you can share your experience of a beautiful sunset on your blog. Uploading photos to WordPress is typically simple. All you need to do is upload from […]

How to Start an Online Business
Do you have unique items to sell, found a great wholesale deal on terrific products, or simply wish to make an extra income? Have you considered opening up an e-commerce store? Nowadays, it’s easier than ever to make money online. We help clients every day by explaining how to start an online business. By reading this blog, […]

WordPress – The Best Solution for a School Website
I recently worked with a school administrator to set up a school website. Upon outlining all the needs of the site, I recommended that they choose WordPress because I believe that it would be the best choice for setting up and managing the site. WordPress is easy to understand and learn, and it has thousands […]

WP Engine: Best WordPress Hosting Solution
There are many reasons why you may want to set up a website, but before you do, you need to decide on a hosting solution for that site. Hosting gives your website a place to exist on the web. Here’s a great explanation for what website hosting is, according to HostGator.com: “The web-hosting or server […]

Improve Website Speed With These 5 Simple Steps
We recently helped a client who complained that her WordPress site speed was very slow. She said that she had a big dip in online sales since clients did not want to wait around for her site to load. There are many reasons why your website speed may be slow. Below are five tips to improve website […]

Three Ways Content Writing Can Help Your Website with WordPress
If you have a website, you may have created it for many reasons, some of which are to write a blog with your opinions, post interesting photos, educate others, promote a business, have a social cause, or trying to make money through an online store. Either way, you want to attract as many people as possible […]

Increasing Your Site’s Visibility Online
If you have a local business, such as a hair salon or restaurant, chances are you have created a website for it. Nowadays, most customers find businesses online, even if they don’t sell any merchandise on the Web. Google states that 97% of people search for businesses online. People will use the Internet to find […]

Alternative WordPress Search Options
If you have a WordPress website, you will want to have a well-functioning search field. Whether you have an online store and want your visitors to be able to find a product easily, or have a blog, and want your readers to quickly access articles about topics that interest them, a good search field is […]

Three Services To Help Sell Digital Goods Online
I was recently asked by a friend how she can sell a copy of her e-book online as a PDF. If you have a similar question, and would like to sell digital goods, such as videos, photos, games, software, etc. online, read this blog to find solutions on how to do so. Solutions for Selling […]

WooCommerce Gift Certificate Plugins
There are various ways to attract clients to an e-commerce site. One of the best ways is to sell gift certificates for visitors to purchase and give to their family, friends and co-wokers. Gift certificates are great because not only do you make money off the sale whether the gift certificate is then used or […]

How to Customize Shipping Options On WooCommerce
Selling items online has significantly increased in the last decade. “E-commerce B2C product sales totaled $142.5 billion, representing about 8% of retail product sales in the United States,” according to Wikipedia. Fielding the expense of having a retail store, employees, and other costs associated with a physical location makes having an online store very inexpensive. If you have […]

Obox Mobile and Creating a Mobile-Friendly Blog
More and more people are using their mobile devices to access the Internet. “In 2013, mobile users spent 63% more time on their devices accessing mobile websites and apps and this is set to increase,” states the Social Media Examiner. It’s often frustrating to try to visit a site on a phone, only to have the site not […]

WooCommerce is the Best Alternative to the Google Checkout Shutdown
In the last few weeks, I have had some clients call me in a panic over news of the Google Checkout shutdown. Google recently announced that Google Checkout will be retired on November 20, 2013. While this is certainly inconvenient for some online e-commerce sites, there are solutions to implement to keep an online store […]

Going the Extra Mile for Your WordPress Blog
So you decided to start a blog. You signed up for WordPress, built a pretty decent site, and started blogging regularly. A week passed, then a month, and you don’t see much change in terms of comments or followers? That is a common problem that most “newbies” face when deciding to set up a WordPress […]

July Topanga WordPress Meetup
We have updates the Topanga WordPress Meetup schedule with the details for the upcoming meeting held July 18th at the Topanga Library. All users are invited to attend this meeting to share, collaborate and discuss all things WordPress. TOPICS AND SPEAKERS 6:30 – 7pm – Pizza / Social Time Enjoy pizza and refreshments prior to the […]

30 Most Popular WordPress Plugins
WordPress plugins are sometimes the fastest and easiest way to add functionality to your site. They can range from free to premium (paid) and can help reduce development time drastically. Finding the right plugin for the right job is often time consuming and can be a process of trial and error, especially when digging through […]

Selling and Promoting Your Music with WordPress
If you are a musician in the new millennium the ways in which you market and sell your music is much different than it was in the 80s and 90s. Of course you can thank the internet for this. Napster seemed to pioneer and pave the way for music downloads. Then MySpace.com cornered the market […]

Online Chat Solutions for WordPress
With so many people using the internet for entertainment, research, and communication it is not a surprise that chat has become a popular method of keeping in touch with current and prospective fans as well as friends, co-workers, employees, and so on. Online chat is a convenient communication tool and there are many companies on […]

WordPress eCommerce Solutions
wordpress ecommerce solutions WordPress has become a very popular platform for building blogs and custom websites even e-commerce and there are a lot of e-commerce plugins to choose from. Mashable came up with a top 10 list. Some will agree and some will disagree, but we will all probably agree that there are many to choose […]

Creating a YouTube Channel
creating a youtube channel YouTube, a subsidiary of Google, is the world’s second largest search engine and has become a major social media channel. In January 2012, YouTube took its claim to 4 billion video views per day according to the Huffington Post. Yes, 4 billion per day! That is neither a typo nor a surprise. […]